We made it: 200 Social Networks at Linqia! – http://blog.linqia.com/2009/09/200-social-networks-at-linqia.html Congrats to #Uboot #MyMusic #AgencyScoop and all the others!
Schlagwort: Linqia
Heute 15:00 Uhr: Live-Interview…
Heute 15:00 Uhr: Live-Interview mit Maria Sipka (Linqia) zur „Monetarisierung von Social Networks“: http://bit.ly/3dyOWg
New release of the Linqia…
New release of the Linqia Social Network Marketplace – current reach to 35+ mio. members: http://blog.linqia.com/2009/05/linqia-social-network-marketplace.html